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Rider Community Standards
Rider Community Standards

We have great riders and drivers

Noah avatar
Written by Noah
Updated over a year ago

Welcome to Hitch's Community Guidelines

Thank you for choosing Hitch and for helping us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all. By agreeing to these guidelines, you are helping us create a positive and respectful community for all Hitch users. We take these standards seriously, and any violations may result in suspension or termination of your account. To help foster this community, we ask that you agree to the following guidelines when using our app and platform:

Treat everyone with respect.

At Hitch, we strive to make every ride comfortable and enjoyable for both our riders and drivers. Our diverse community comprises people from all walks of life, and we want to ensure that everyone feels safe, respected, and valued during their experience with us. This means being courteous, kind, and considerate in all your interactions. Whether you're communicating with our team, driver, or fellow riders, we expect you always to maintain a respectful and positive attitude and that you receive the same.

Follow our code of conduct.

In addition to treating others with respect, we also expect all users to follow our code of conduct. This includes refraining from any discriminatory or offensive language or behavior, as well as respecting the personal boundaries and privacy of others. We also ask that you do not engage in any illegal activities while using our service.

Communicate effectively and honestly.

Clear and honest communication is key to maintaining a positive and respectful community. We ask that you communicate transparently, respectfully, and courteously with your driver and fellow riders. If you have any issues or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our team, and we will do our best to address them as soon as possible.

Respect the safety and comfort of others.

We want all our users to feel safe and comfortable using our service. This means respecting the personal space and boundaries of others, as well as refraining from any behavior that may make others feel uncomfortable or unsafe. We also ask that you follow all traffic laws and regulations while riding with us.

Report any violations.

If you witness or experience any violations of our community guidelines, please report them to our team immediately. We take all reports seriously and will take appropriate action to address any issues and maintain a positive and respectful community for all Hitch users.

Thank you for taking the time to read and agree to our community guidelines. By following these guidelines, you are helping us create a safe and welcoming environment for all Hitch users. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to providing you with a positive and enjoyable experience. Happy riding!

For your ride:

  • Please be on time for your scheduled ride at the pickup location. Our drivers will only wait 10 minutes after your departure time before leaving to avoid impacting other scheduled rides. We take a firm stance on this one to keep our platform moving smoothly. Please plan for any delay it may take to get to the pickup location.

  • Please follow our luggage and pet policies.

  • If you have a child needing a car seat, you must provide that and install it. Please purchase a private ride in this instance.

  • Please buckle up. Safety is our top priority, not to mention it's the law.

  • Please understand that your driver MUST follow the safety rules of the road and all state and federal laws.

  • Please do not ask your driver to pick you up or drop you off at any location other than what's in the ride booking.

  • We do not require the driver to take any specific route.

  • We do not require that the driver use toll roads.

  • No smoking or vaping - your driver should not be doing so.

  • No drinking or open containers of alcoholic beverages are allowed.

  • Please ask your driver before eating or drinking during your ride — their car and their rules on this one.

  • Please be kind and respectful. Always. Words matter.

  • We suggest that you avoid conversations and topics that may be controversial or offensive so everyone always feels safe and comfortable. Aggressive, confrontational, and harassing behavior is never tolerated. Keep conversations casual and friendly.

  • Opt for the backseat during solo rides to maximize personal space. This may not be possible on shared rides.

  • All contact should end with drivers and other riders once the trip is completed.

  • Please communicate any needs you may have for rest stops at the start of the ride so the driver can be sure to accommodate you when possible. However, these stops should be quick as the driver must keep a schedule. We do not allow drivers to stop anywhere else or for any other reason than a quick bathroom break.

  • All Hitch rides must stop and start at the location that was booked. We cannot accommodate any location changes within an hour before departure or mid-ride. Your Hitch driver must pick up and drop you off at the location noted at the booking time.

  • Disclose to your driver if you are using any recording during your ride.

    We ask that you disclose any recording devices to your driver or other riders and that these recordings remain private. It's the right thing to obtain consent and be upfront to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • All riders must ride on their profile, with their real names, for the safety of all involved. You can purchase rides for your friends and family on your profile - but please have them create their own. We're happy to move the purchased ride to their profile. Please feel free to contact our Customer Experience team for additional help on this.

  • Any rider under 18 must be accompanied by someone 18 years or older on any ride. Our full policy for minor riders can be found here. Rides booked for minors traveling alone will be canceled, and a refund will not be issued.

  • Several rides are often leaving our stations at the same time. Please leave the station with your assigned driver. You must only ride with the driver you see noted in your app.

  • Hitch prohibits riders, their guests, and drivers from carrying firearms of any kind while using the app to the extent permitted by applicable law.

    Please note that the only situation where we would allow a firearm while using the app is if you are transporting your firearm in accordance with the Transportation Security Administration rules for transporting firearms and ammunition. That means your firearm must be unloaded and locked in a hard-sided container in the vehicle's trunk. All parts must also be transported in the vehicle's trunk, including magazines, clips, ammunition, bolts, and firing pins. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to account deactivation.

We have the right to cancel any ride, at any time, without a refund if we believe that any of our TOS or Community guidelines are not followed.

Sexual assault and misconduct

Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind are prohibited. Sexual assault and misconduct refer to sexual contact or behavior without the other person's explicit consent.

Personal space and privacy should be respected. The following list provides examples of inappropriate conduct.

  • Behaviors and comments that could make people feel uncomfortable are not acceptable. Examples include nudges, whistles, and winks. Don’t touch or flirt with people you don’t know.

  • Certain conversations that could be perceived as harmless can be offensive. Don’t comment on appearance, perceived gender identity, or sexual orientation. Refrain from asking unrelated personal questions, such as, “Are you in a relationship?” Avoid discussing your or someone else’s sex life, using explicit language, or making sex jokes.

  • Sexual contact is prohibited while using the Hitch App, including before the pickup, during a trip, and at or after drop-off.

This is non-negotiable and can warrant immediate removal from the platform.

Please follow up with our Customer Experience team as soon as possible if there are any concerns with the booking process, your ride, your driver, or any other issue we can help with.

We can only help when we know about any issues that may occur. We are here to help your ride be smooth and successful, so please contact us if you need anything.


Hitch is committed to helping every experience feel safe, respectful, and positive.

Hitch offers a 2-way rating system, meaning that riders and drivers are held accountable for their behavior on a ride. After each trip, Hitch riders and drivers can rate one another based on their trip experience – an essential part of Hitch customer service for both riders and drivers.

The rating system is designed to be an essential quality measure on the Hitch platform, helping keep the rider and driver experience safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.


Tips are not required but are certainly appreciated by your driver. If you felt your driver did an exceptional job, please leave them a tip and a positive rating via our app.

Please review
Please take a minute to review our privacy statement regarding your personal information and additional TOS details that you've agreed to.

Hitch prohibits discrimination against users based on race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age, or any other characteristic protected under applicable law. Such discrimination includes, but is not limited to, any user refusing to provide or accept services based on these characteristics. Any user found to have violated this prohibition will lose access to the Hitch platform. Applicable laws in certain jurisdictions may require and/or allow the provision of services by and for the benefit of a specific category of persons. In such jurisdictions, services that comply with these laws and the relevant applicable terms are permissible under this policy.

As always, riders and drivers can cancel a trip for any reason. Failure to comply with Hitch policies, including our Community Standards, may result in your ride being canceled without a refund. We reserve the right to remove riders from the platform if we believe they are not operating within our TOS, Hitch Community Guidelines, policies, or general service standards. 


Check out our other help center articles here, or contact the Customer Experience team through live chat in the app.

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